
QR Cardboard, the new guide for tourist cities and historical monuments

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28 July

QR Cardboard, the new guide for tourist cities and historical monuments

QR Cardboard, la nuova guida per città turistiche e monumenti storici

QR Cardboard viewer transforms a city tour into an educational experience to get in touch with cultures, traditions and ancient rituals, feeling emotions and sharing their habits. With QR Cardboard you can choose your own reality: a walk between historic buildings and monuments, full of information and multimedia contents or an excursion through the old streets, with the reconstruction of palaces, monuments and buildings as they once were. How? Simply inserting a device into the viewer and choosing the 360 ​​video you prefer. Once the guided tour is finished, the viewer turns into a small portable box to use it every time you want and immerse yourself in a new era. QR Cardboard transforms a journey into an explosion of emotions which are difficult to tell. Choosing Qr Cardboard for managers of museum and tourist attractions means expanding a business, offering an innovative experience to visitors. Customization of viewers can become a way to be advertised even outside of the museum and open new perspective for promotion during fairs and events. Discover our customized proposals!


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